Grace Children’s Foundation
Professor Of Pediatrics At NYU, Director Of Pediatrics At Bellevue Hospital
We at the Grace Children’s Foundation (GCF) are deeply saddened by the passing of our beloved Board Member, Dr. Benard P. Dreyer, an extraordinary human being, pediatrician and a humble, truly decent man. He dedicated his life and career to children in need and their families bringing his expertise and compassion to Bellevue Hospital in New York City where he practiced for nearly fifty years.
I had the great pleasure of meeting Dr. Dreyer fifteen years ago when he championed a child that had suffered multiple traumatic injuries and led a team of dedicated professionals on her road to healing. Years later, and after helping countless numbers of children living on the periphery of diverse cultures, he honored us in 2020 by joining GCF’s Board of Directors where he remained a beacon of light, leading to solutions on behalf of those who are underserved.
When reading more about his life’s work, accomplishments and never ending advocacy, I came upon this excerpt from his speech when Dr. Dreyer was presented the Joseph W. St. Geme, Jr. Leadership Award at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) meeting in Toronto in 2024. “Don’t wait for someone else to lead change or wait for some other time to act. Act now. Lead change now. …Together we can accomplish many great things. Together we can create a better world for children and families.”
This mantra is what I sensed was his impetus for joining us in our work. It is what inspired me so long ago and remains a driving force for so many people and organizations he credited that are dedicated to children in need globally and their families and caregivers.
Reflecting further on his work, he said, “What a privilege it is to be a pediatrician. Often, I feel I have made a positive difference in the lives of children living in poverty. Frequently, I feel I’m helping them on their pathway to success. Once in a great while, I have actually saved a child’s life with my own hands or stayed with them when they needed someone to care about them or comforted them in times near the end of their lives or mourned for them with their families. Those times are burned in my memory and my soul.”
Benard Dreyer was a good friend and a mighty advocate for the children who wait. He shall be missed but his light will never dim.
With our deepest condolences,
Nancy Robertson, President & Founder
Staff and Board of Directors, Grace Children’s Foundation
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