GCF is a Section 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 13-7111278. All donations are tax deductible. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contribution.

Copies of previous years financials are public. Tax Forms can be found here.


The Grace Children’s Foundation is grateful for your support and to those who share in our vision to see the children to a place where they may elevate themselves beyond survival, to a place where they may flourish and have a chance for lives with dignity and purpose.

Donor-advised fund
Interested in giving directly from
your donor-advised fund? Press the DAF Direct button below for a quick and simple way to make your tax-deductible
charitable donation.

Other Ways To Give

Write A Check

If you prefer to pay by check rather than credit card or PayPal, please make checks payable to the Grace Children’s Foundation and mail to:

The Grace Children’s Foundation
697 West End Avenue, Suite 14E
New York, NY 10025

Gifts Of Securities

If you wish to donate a gift of securities, please contact us at 212-662-1143 prior to your transaction.

Matching Gifts

We welcome matching gifts from your employer. Many companies double or even triple donations made by employees. Contact your Human Resources department for your company’s policy on matching gifts.